
How much Life Cover do you need?
How do you estimate the perfect amount of life cover for you?  Is it really possible to quantify your living standards and life-stage changes; and to factor in economics and surprises? If you have carefully considered your debt holdings, monthly fixed and variable expenses and income sources, then the right amount of cover should be obvious, right? read more »
The History of Life Insurance
Since the discovery of longevity patterns and the construction of a rudimentary mortality table in the 1600s, life insurance has developed the type of policies we know. Lloyd’s of London (formerly New Lloyd’s Coffee Shop), which started as a gathering place for mariners and shipbuilders, is widely credited as being the first modern form of insurance underwriting as we see it today. read more »
What is Life Insurance?
What is Life Insurance? Life Insurance stands as a protection against financial loss; minimising the financial impact on a family in case of the provider’s inability to continue this role. How Life Insurance works Life Insurance is usually made available under specific conditions and requires a monthly payment plan from the time you take out a policy to the time the policy is paid out to its beneficiaries. read more »
The Retail Distribution Review Paradox
Philip Tomlinson, CEO Different Life, looks at the paradox created by RDR and offers a solution. The regulations which aim to ensure that South Africans have access to quality financial services advice in reality could have the opposite effect. Technology can serve to substantially redress this imbalance and ensure greater access for all. read more »