
The Story of a Start-up
Since the 12th of March 2015, when we officially introduced Different Life to the world, we’ve partnered with Different Life clients and facilitated donations of over R19,1 million to NGOs on the crowdfunding platform. 100% of this has gone to the NGOs, and we’ve covered the transaction fees. read more »
What is an accelerated funeral benefit?
It may come as a surprise, but a life insurance claim can often take up to a few months to pay out. So what about the funeral costs? read more »
Buying an underwritten policy? Answer all questions honestly and accurately. 
When buying a life insurance policy it is very important to answer all questions honestly and accurately. read more »
Determine whether or not you need Life Insurance
If I were to die how would my dependants survive without my income? What would happen to bond or rent payments, vehicle instalments or school fees? read more »
A Funeral Policy vs Life Insurance
A funeral policy is designed to pay out a quick amount of cash to cover the costs associated with a funeral. Life cover offers much higher payouts but doesn’t necessarily have the promise to pay-out as quickly. So how do you get the best of both worlds? read more »
Why does my premium increase when my cover doesn't. 
Many insurance policies have an increasing premium even though the cover amount doesn't change. Life insurance also gets more expensive as you get older; why would this be the case? read more »
What is a waiting period and why should you care? 
A waiting period is an amount of time where you pay a premium but don't yet have full cover. This is usually done to prevent people from buying a life insurance product when they suspect they might already be ill. read more »
So what is underwriting anyway?
We think you should understand what you buy. So what is underwriting anyway? read more »
Harnessing Annuity Income for Greater Good
If it were that easy to come up with a business idea that produces predictable and scalable annuity cash flows, then we would all be doing it – but in reality, very few of us are. Life insurance, on the other hand, is very different: each month builds on last month’s successes, and each year builds on the last. What if we could leverage this growth engine for philanthropic good and create a scalable annuity stream for the good of South Africa? read more »
When a Policy won’t pay out?
This is always a sticky question. Ask any insurer: The number one cause of claims being rejected is because of non-disclosure. Non-disclosure is when you fail to tell the whole truth when applying for cover. read more »