Insurance 101

Should I cancel my medical aid now that I own Critical Illness Cover?
At Different Life we have a different take on this - We think Critical Illness Cover is especially important because you’re on medical aid. To understand our thinking, you need to know how a medical scheme works. read more »
How to buy Life Insurance in 20 minutes flat
You’re probably not going to believe what we’re going to say next… At Different Life we think our life insurance platform is the best thing since sliced cheese. The problem is - you might not agree. So what better way is there to test, than to see how long it takes someone to come out the other end of the machine? read more »
Why we charge for our Accelerated Funeral Benefit
So you’re in two minds about buying life insurance? Yes, life insurance is definitely more value for money, but that doesn’t help much if the cover only pays out a month later. At least with funeral cover you’ll know that your family can afford to bury you within 48 hours. They can arrange the funeral and pay whatever else needs to be paid without any stress. read more »
1 simple solution to 3 big problems
Believe it or not, there are very sound reasons for owning life insurance, even for the single person. Today we’re going to look at three problems easily solved by life insurance. read more »
I already have Disability Cover – do I need Salary Protection?
Meet Ralph… Ralph recently got married. His first child is on the way, and to top it all, he has just bought his very first home. Of course let’s not forget the two cars, the furniture, and everything else that goes along with marriage and owning a home. Quite simply, Ralph has a lot on his plate. To be honest, while it’s great knowing life is good, he’s also scared… read more »
Why James needs Salary Protection
Can you identify with James? He’s just your average bloke trying to make a living. It’s tough when you’re a single parent trying to put food on the table for three children at the best of times. But right now, James is in big trouble. read more »
Which is best - Life Insurance or Funeral Cover?
First of all ask yourself, which of the two is the least hassle? - Buying four funeral policies - R50, 000 each and R200, 000 in total - with zero medical questions, or - Buying one life insurance policy of R200, 000 with medical questions. Funeral cover wins hands down, right? We don’t think so, but a surprisingly large amount of people do. Here’s why: read more »
Calculate the Costs
Calculations are a part of our daily lives, whether it is figuring out how long it’ll take you to get home from work or what time you need to wake up to make sure that everyone gets out of the house on time in the morning. But have you ever stopped to think about the calculations that you don’t want to make: how will your family get by without you if you should pass? Here are some examples of the why you should calculate how much life insurance you and your family actually need: read more »
How much Life Cover do you need?
How do you estimate the perfect amount of life cover for you?  Is it really possible to quantify your living standards and life-stage changes; and to factor in economics and surprises? If you have carefully considered your debt holdings, monthly fixed and variable expenses and income sources, then the right amount of cover should be obvious, right? read more »
The History of Life Insurance
Since the discovery of longevity patterns and the construction of a rudimentary mortality table in the 1600s, life insurance has developed the type of policies we know. Lloyd’s of London (formerly New Lloyd’s Coffee Shop), which started as a gathering place for mariners and shipbuilders, is widely credited as being the first modern form of insurance underwriting as we see it today. read more »