So what is underwriting anyway?

We think you should understand what you buy.

So what is underwriting anyway?

Perhaps the best way to answer that is to consider the following...

  • Two people are looking to buy a R1 million’s life insurance.
  • The insurance company offers each of them the cover at R500 a month
  • One person is in perfect health, one is not
  • One of them works in an office , the other works with explosives
  • One of them takes leisurely walks on the beach to stay in shape, the other is a skydiver 

Question is: “Which of the two is getting the better deal?”

Rather than a “one size fits all” approach, underwritten life insurance treats you as the individual you are:

Underwriting means you pay a price for your individual risk profile, and that’s why we ask all those questions.



Posted in Insurance 101 on 29 Nov, 2017